1. How often do you attend conferences or expos related to the video game industry?
- Never
- 1 per year
- 2 per year
- 3 or more per year
2. How often do you attend the Game Developer's Conference?
- Never
- I've attended 1 or 2 times
- I've attended 3 or more times
- I attend every year
3. Is cost a factor in deciding whether to attend conferences or expos?
4. How did you find out about the Game Developer's Conference? (check all that apply)
- Friends
- Online (ex: videos, forums, blogs, podcasts)
- Magazine/Newspaper
- TV
- Work
- School (Instructor/colleague)
- Other __________________________________________
5. Do you work in the video game industry (professionally)?
If YES, what do you do? ___________________________________________________
6. If employed, does your employer cover the cost of attending conferences and expos?
7. In your opinion, what is the
biggest benefit of the GDC?
- Testing upcoming games
- Seeing new technology and peripherals
- Hearing the latest industry news
- Networking with industry professionals